5 Ways to Check Items Of Your List this Year

Are you one of the millions who have invested in a planner hoping it will make you more productive this year? Here’s the secret -- it’s not the list that makes you more productive, it’s the way the tasks are executed. Here are five keys ways to get more checked off your to-do list this year.

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Are you one of the millions who have invested in a planner hoping it will make you more productive this year? As a person who specializes in productivity, I am fueled by planning and creating lists, especially at the start of a new year. But here’s the secret — it’s not the list that makes you more productive, it’s the way the tasks are executed.

Here are five keys ways to get more checked off your to-do list this year.

1. Have one master list.

We all wear multiple hats in a day, but you’re still one person who needs to know what to get done when. Multiple lists can make it challenging to prioritize. Have one go-to list to guide your actions.

2. Do one task at a time.

This means you stop multi-tasking. Juggling multiple tasks at once gets you off track and slows you down. Focus on doing one task completely before moving on to the next.

3. Assign tasks to a day of the week.

Rather than working from a big list and throwing a dart as to what to do first, assign tasks to specific days of the week. This helps you prioritize what’s important and provides realistic deadlines.

4. Do the most dreaded task first.

Procrastination takes up way too much mental energy. Do the most dreaded task right away. It will fuel the rest of your to-do list and energy level.

5. Plan for self-care and mindfulness.

Making self-care a part of day-to-day life makes you more productive in all aspects of life. When you’re healthier, you are become more efficient and show up as your best. Be sure to pencil it in or it won’t get done!

It’s defeating to be busy all day and have nothing checked off the list. Transform that defeat into success by making one adjustment today!


Ready to get started? Access your free guide to making a more productive to-do list at:

Together we will work to make your days flow smoother so you can be free to do more life!