The Step You’re Skipping That Will Make a Huge Difference

I used to be frustrated and defeated, wondering why my list was always growing and never shrinking. I was taking care of tasks as they came up, but I could never get to the bigger projects I needed to deal with. Until I learned about this essential step...PLANNING! We skip the planning and jump to the list, only to be left spinning. Here's how to make the simple change this week!

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What my mornings used to look like

I used to pour a cup of coffee and sit down at my desk and think, what to do first??? Look at inbox. Scroll. Distraction. Maybe if I re-write my to-do list, then I’ll be ready to get things done. Distraction. Actually, I should clear off my desk. That will make me feel more productive. Distraction. I’m going to re-heat my coffee, then I’ll be ready to take action. Distraction. Twenty minutes later, still no progress…

Can anyone else relate? So much wasted time — you had good intentions, but you’re left frustrated and wondering what’s wrong with you.

What my mornings should look like:

Pour my cup of coffee and sit down at my desk. Look at my focus items for the day that I wrote out yesterday. Assess if those are still a priority. Get to work. ✔️✔️✔️

Key Difference? PLANNING!

We can’t expect to sit at our desk and just “do tasks.” You might do action items, but you’re not really getting tasks done that move you forward.

PLANNING 101 >> We need to determine what needs to be done, who will do it, and when it will get done. THEN we execute the list with clear direction. 

Top Tips to Planning:

1. Assign a time each week/day to plan out the week.

2. Have a designated journal, paper, app, calendar to assist 

3. Add your priorities and non-negotiable items (family meal times, essential routines, sleep, etc.) 

4. Add appointments that have assigned times and tasks that have set deadlines.

5. Add additional tasks and breakdown larger projects into smaller steps. (starting to notice the white space or lack there of on the schedule?)

6. Allow for margin and the unexpected. Don’t overcrowd. 

It doesn’t have to be a complicated process, but it needs to happen.

Not a planner and prefer to live a bit more on the fly? There is no one right way — you can draw, map, or write your concepts.

Regardless of how you live, DON’T skip the planning! The secret weapon to getting more done is spending time planning.

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How I make a productive to-do list


Many women are reading this and have the jump start they need to get motivated to take action. Yay! But many women need extra support on their team to be sure they maximize their energy and direction. And really understand what’s getting in your way.

And this is what I do! I help you learn how you operate and how to become more efficient at all you juggle! I would be honored to be on your team. Schedule a strategy call to get started or learn more.

Either way, I’m rooting for your success and believe you are a capable woman — at home and the office!

Together we will work to make your days flow smoother so you can be free to do more life!