The Trick to Having Less Hectic Days
When you are balancing work, home, meals, kids, volunteer work, and a million other things — margin is your secret tool and super power! Margin takes discipline and forethought, and it will be one small thing you can change in how you plan your day that will make a tremendous difference. Starting today.
Are you Busy or Productive?
I don’t want to be busy for the sake of being busy. Do you? Sometimes, we make ourselves busy in order to avoid dealing with the crummy tasks and situations. And sometimes we stay busy to give the illusion that we are important or accomplishing tasks. And most often, we are busy — thinking we are doing what’s on the list, but we never make forward progress.
The 3 Types of Paper in Your House
All the paper in your household fits into three categories. That’s it. Three categories and all those piles will be organized and have function. You’re thinking, how could it be that easy? That’s just it. We make productivity and organization way too complicated.
Benefits of budgeting time like money
If I spent my money like I spend my time, I’d be broke. Time can be just as valuable as the dollar, and just as valuable to budget. Let’s look at spending our time like we’d look at spending our money so we can afford the important things!
Back to School for both Mom & Kids
As summer comes to an end, many households are consumed with the hustle and bustle of getting back into the swing of new schedules. I remember as a child being concerned with what I would wear the first day of school, if I would have any friends in my class, and who I’d sit by […]