What do you want to be different in the New Year?

Understandably so, setting a goal to lose 200 pounds would feel impossible. But 5 pounds at a time is manageable and realistic. And that's my challenge to you for 2021. Not to lose weight, but to be realistic in your productivity goals. Don't shoot for the moon on January 1, but start building the launch deck to get there.

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On the morning show this week, a women told her inspiring story of her extreme weight loss. Her goal was to lose 5 pounds. And when she lost 5 pounds, she set a new goal to lose 5 more pounds. Two years later she had lost a total of 200 pounds! Incredible!

When asked how she lost so much weight, her explanation was simple — set a small goal that feels attainable. And keep moving forward.

Understandably so, setting a goal to lose 200 pounds would feel impossible. But 5 pounds at a time is manageable and realistic. And that’s my challenge to you for 2021. Not to lose weight, but to be realistic in your productivity goals. Don’t shoot for the moon on January 1, but start building the launch deck to get there.

Small and realistic goals that you can conquer.

What will it be for you in 2021?

As a gift and jump start to your new year, I want to offer you this free download so you can consider those “5 pound” steps. Whether you’re feeling ambitious about the season or discouraged, this resource is designed to help you consider your own strengths and challenges, and personalize your ideas.

FREE GIFT! Click for Restart + Restore Download

As you reflect on 2020 and get ready for a “clean slate” in 2021, consider past accomplishments, defeats, growth opportunities, and new ideas to explore.

  • What do you still need to wrap up in 2020 so you don’t drag it into the new year?
  • What’s considered essential before 12/31?
  • What’s one realistic task I can do each day/week in the new year?
  • What’s the bigger picture of productivity I’d like to achieve? How can I break that down?
  • Which strengths do I have that will help me reach these goals?

Use the free resource to explore and write out your thoughts further. If you’re not a fan of New Year’s resolutions (I’m not!), then consider it an exercise to re-boot and consider what might make your life easier. Five pounds at a time. 

THANK YOU for your support of my small business in this up and down year. It’s been a challenging year for so many families and businesses; I’m feeling blessed as I wrap up the year.

I wish you a safe and healthy start to 2021!

If you need help exploring these ideas or don’t know where to start to become more productive, I’d love to help! Schedule a 15 minute phone session guaranteed to help point you in the right direction. Or check out the workbook Organizing with Intention to build your own personalized plan for adding more order in 2021. Available in print and digital versions.

Together we will work to make your days flow smoother so you can be free to do more life!