

I’m Michelle

I provide a holistic approach to productivity and organization challenges women face in trying to balance work and household.
Let’s connect!

A Simple Cycle To Change Your Behavior

Use this simple cycle to change the behavior that's been holding you back. A better morning routine, less distraction, more income producing work, squeezing in that workout or time to read. From big to small behaviors, we all have aspects of our work and life to improve.

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We all have things we want to improve. A better morning routine, less distraction, more income producing work, squeezing in that workout or time to read. From big to small behaviors, we all have aspects of our work and life that we want to improve, or habits we want to change.

When I work with women to increase their efficiencies and minimize the overwhelm of work and life, we use a simple cycle to start behavior change. Action, Learning, Awareness, Repeat. (This concept is inspired by Coach Approach for Organizers program I graduated from in 2018.)

I use this cycle with my productivity clients because it’s simple and it works. With these three steps, we are tapping into what needs to be adjusted in order for growth or change to occur — this is a simple, yet valuable process to explore together.

ACTION – Execute a revised task or behavior.
LEARNING – Was there success, failure, or other outcome?
AWARENESS – With the learning in mind, map a new mindset pattern to invoke change.
REPEAT – In light of results, redirect and take action again — which creates new learning, which creates new awareness…you get the cycle.

Usually the cycle isn’t completed in one round. It becomes a new process for thinking and approaching behaviors. If we keep doing the same action over and over hoping for different results, we’ll never actually change the behavior. We need to become aware of our actions and mindsets for intentional changes to take hold.

"With practice, the useless movements fade away and the useful actions get reinforced. That's habit forming." - James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

With practice! The Action, Learning, Awareness cycle takes practice to create habits and improved behaviors in our day-to-day lives. Start with one small behavior you want to change, and see if the cycle can work for you. (The the conversations around the learning are really the key to change! That’s what the coaching I offer elevates.)


Curious on how this really creates change? Do you want to adjust a habit or routine in your life? Participating in my coaching program is a perfect place to start. You are balancing a lot on your plate and working together creates new solutions and possibilities in your work and life! I’d love to be on your support team! Reach out for an intro call or contact me to learn how this could improve your life.

Together we will work to make your days flow smoother so you can be free to do more life!