Free Webinar for Farm Wives who want more Organization

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The Proper Place is offering a free productivity webinar for women married to men in agriculture. The webinar will offer key ways to run a productive and balanced farming households.

According to the USDA, 96% of all farms in America are family run. Each of those farms have women who are working hard to prioritize the unpredictable responsibilities of farm and family life. The crops and livestock come first in their life, while still being required to manage the paperwork, chores, kids’ schedules, and their own work and health. The demands of women on the farm are unlike the city lifestyle; and there are limited productivity resources to support their hard work. As a NW Iowa organizing and productivity business, I am honored to provide support to farm wives through an upcoming free webinar: Seven Essentials to Running a Smooth Farming Household on June 30, 2020 at 11AM CST.

Raised in the city before becoming the wife of a farmer twelve years ago, I understand first-hand hand the growing responsibilities of family farms and the challenge of balancing many roles. Women married to men in agriculture are essential in keeping farms and families moving forward, I was a total fish out of water when I married into a farming family. There were many expectations as the wife of a farmer and so much to balance each day. I’m thrilled to pair my organizing expertise with my farm wife experience to share resources with fellow women.

In this free webinar, I will share specific skills farm wives need to run a productive and balanced household so they are less overwhelmed by the clutter and tasks, and can enjoy a more peaceful household. Farm wives can register at for the free productivity webinar.

Benefits of attending the webinar:
  • geared to women running farming households
  • learn specific ways to maintain order in your home and mind
  • tips to stay balanced when your days are always being interrupted
  • explore ways to actually get items checked off your list
  • reassured you’re not alone in your duties as a farm wife
  • guaranteed to take away at least one thing you can start using right away in your own home 

Can’t attend on June 30th? As a bonus, even if you can’t attend the webinar live, all who register will receive a recording of the presentation. If you’re a farm wife, you will want to sign up!

Learn more and register here 


Together we will work to make your days flow smoother so you can be free to do more life!