How Your Values Affect Your Productivity

When you are clear on your values, you are more productive on a day-to-day basis, have less overwhelm and more direction. When I started diving deeper into how to have more productive and meaningful days -- I learned that productivity and values are directly related. Learn how your values help lead the way!

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How could values and my to-do list have anything in common? My list is my list, right? When I started diving deeper into productivity I learned the two are directly related. My productivity and daily contentment increases when I am clear on my values. Most of us miss this piece of the productivity puzzle because we are too busy trying to get things done!


I value connection, community, faith, and loyalty. How do those values tie into getting more done?


Your values are the measure that you use for your behaviors. It is the standard for what’s important in your life. Your values dictate how you approach life, interactions with people, and overall judgment of what’s important in life. Being clear on your values can benefit multiple aspects of life.


If you’re unclear on your own values, here is a list of values created by researcher, Brene Brown that can help you brainstorm.


Before you can become more productive, you need to be clear on your values.


When you’re clear on your values and practice those values, your days (and lists) will be planned with intention. For example, when you’re faced with multiple volunteer opportunities at once, your values can help direct you to the best choice (or to say “no” all together).


Values help lead the way! Planning your day is not just adding items to check-off or meetings to attend or carpool to drive. Planning is being intentional to the what and why of your actions. Values offer the intention and direction. Values not only give more meaning behind your day, but also the drive to move forward with purpose and satisfaction.


For example, when you sit down to schedule the week, your values should drive priorities. When your day is hijacked and you’re forced to readjust, your values should come into account. When you are pulled in multiple directions, your values will support your “yes” or “no”.


Use your values as a gauge to direct your day.


Consider your values when:

  • Making your to-do list to help you prioritize and know what is urgent vs important
  • Faced with a choice of how to spend your time
  • Asked to commit to a committee, lead a team, or take on extra work
  • Things don’t go as planned and you need to readjust your day
  • Responding to a disgruntled client (or child) which could spiral your day
  • Determining your mindset for the day
  • You fill in the blank


When you are clear on your values, you are not only more productive on a day-to-day basis, but feel more satisfied. When your mindset is focused on what’s important for your standards, you will end your day with contentment because you were living within your values.


The extra checkmarks are a bonus.


Are these concepts tugging at you to dig into these unique concepts about productivity? If you are feeling unproductive and overwhelmed with where to start, let Michelle be your motivation and biggest cheerleader. Together you can figure out the path to more efficiencies in your work and life, and especially become clear on how to be more balanced in your day-to-day life. Contact her here to learn her simple process and how to get started.

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