I’m Burned Out

In work and life everything revolves around me doing it all. I started my own business to have flexibility and freedom, now I'm burnt out and dropping the ball. I don't have time to stop and make changes so I just keep going, but I'm losing myself in the meantime. Help!

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You’re overwhelmed with all that’s required of you in a day. You started your business because you love the industry, flexibility, and helping people, but now you’re burnt out “running the business” and no longer doing all the creative parts you love.

Then there is home life. Everything revolves around you being present and “doing it all.” You’re doing the survival dance in all aspects and it’s starting to sabotage your well-being.

You know you probably need to stop and figure out some better ways to get things done, but you don’t have time to stop. You pray if you just keep going, it will let up and work itself out. But you know that’s a lie you’re just telling yourself.

Friend, it’s time to get to the root of things, to reassess. If you don’t take time now, you may sink (or explode). And that doesn’t help anyone!


If you don’t take time to readjust, you risk:

  • missing special events and occasions
  • damaging relationships
  • losing out on potential income
  • wasting time and money
  • mixing up priorities
  • feeling bad about your health and body
  • losing items and being late
  • disappointing others
  • feeling anxious all the time
  • not meeting your own expectations
  • I’ll stop here…

You need better ways of doing things so the work can flow easily. You need to assess priorities so you are spending time in the best places. You need to breathe and know things can operate without your hands having to touch each task.

Whether at home or work, you can’t control and manage everything – you can, but it’s at the expense of you. Most things weigh on YOU doing them, but it’s time for transformation.


Now, I wish I could offer fairies who can come and do your work and lift the burden (that would be pretty amazing, if I could), but I can offer you hope and peace of mind! And methods, processes, schedules, workflow, and triggers to put in place to be sure all gets accomplished. Plus, you can be sure it’s all adapted to your way of doing things. You will know your strengths and priorities and build concepts that work for your real life. They are easy to maintain and life changing ideas to make your business run smoother and your days lighter.


Here are some simple tips to get started. Make ONE adjustment starting today.

  • make a focus list for each day’s tasks (no more than 4 items)
  • implement a consistent method for doing one daily task 
  • list out the parts of your work that you love to do and hate to do 
  • delegate or automate two frequently done tasks
  • plan your day so you are proactive not reactive in decisions
  • take time for YOU which includes scheduling daily self-care

To start creating your own plan, I have this simple worksheet for you to utilize. Download below to know what action you need to take first.

Free Download

Use this free worksheet to map out where to start on your own.

SUMMARY = you want to do it all and you feel like you should be able to do it all. But deep down know that you are losing parts of yourself by trying to keep swimming up stream.


Your level of physical and mental effort is in the balance. Your well-being will begin to fade (if it hasn’t already). You need time for self-care, to pay attention to priorities, and to enjoy the people around you.


Today, you can take advantage of this free planning worksheet to start understanding how to prioritize and what steps to take first. This will help you take action! You can download for free here.

Some can change on their own and other’s need support. It may feel overwhelming to get started, but I would love to help simplify! I can be your guide to help you understand what needs to be adjusted and how to get there. Whether you’re overwhelmed in your business or household or both, I come alongside women to help them identify what they need to prioritize and we put systems in place to get you operating on all cylinders, and enjoying life the way you desire. Schedule a free call or email me to learn how we could work together.

Don’t live in burn out! Make change today.

Together we will work to make your days flow smoother so you can be free to do more life!