Are you Busy or Productive?

I don’t want to be busy for the sake of being busy. Do you? Sometimes, we make ourselves busy in order to avoid dealing with the crummy tasks and situations. And sometimes we stay busy to give the illusion that we are important or accomplishing tasks. And most often, we are busy — thinking we are doing what’s on the list, but we never make forward progress.

3 Simple Tricks to Tackle Spring To-Do List

Spring is here and you’re itching to start purging the house and say good-bye to the winter blues. I’m right there with you! But spring is also a season where graduations and end of school year activities start to pop up. Which means more things on our calendar and less time to get it all done. So we need to get a jump on figuring out how it is all going to get accomplished.

Things aren’t as they seem in 2020

The words “get organized” continue to be in the top most googled words at the start of the new year. We have an ingrained desire to be organized, have order, make the most of what we have. The new year challenges us to reset and reach for the things that feel unattainable at other times […]

The Most Important Step to Get and Stay Organized

You decide it’s time to get organized. What do you do first? Pull everything out of the closet? No. Go buy new containers? No. Move items from one room to another? No. The first step to getting organized is creating self-awareness. This is the most essential step to getting organized and most people skip it […]

Tax Preparation doesn’t have to be Painful

Are you scrambling to get your documents together for your looming tax appointment? You’re not alone. Thousands and thousands of households are weighed down with extra paper to sift through this month. When did we make that big purchase? Where are the receipts from our business trip? I have a big secret for you: tax […]

Where do I start?

I need a fresh start. Where do I begin? It’s true. We know we need to start fresh, but the concept of starting paralyzes us so much that we never begin. Getting started is often times the hardest part. Did you know that people with perfectionist personalities often have the hardest time getting started? You […]