

I’m Michelle

I provide a holistic approach to productivity and organization challenges women face in trying to balance work and household.
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30 Simple Steps to Preparing for Spring

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These are 30 easy tips to helping you become prepared for spring through simple cleaning and organizing. Complete one step a day for a month and you and your home will be ready for Spring! 

30. Schedule the carpet cleaners

29. When your child comes home with a beautiful diorama…take a picture of the child with the project, label the photo, and discard the 3D project when it seems appropriate. Can’t keep all the masterpieces!

28. Keep lists in your phone — grocery iq, errands, evernote are some of my fav apps

27. Label cords when you buy them. Discard the cord when the electronic breaks.

26. Dust your fans

25. Wipe down your baseboards

24. Throw out the junk mail before you set the stack down (everyday!)

23. Wipe down the inside of all your kitchen cabinets

22. Don’t pile it, file it. Create a simple filing system – action, review, reference, archive, file

21. Go through medicine cabinets and purge old products

20. Set a timer. See how much you can get picked up around the house in 25 minutes.

19. Turn over your wardrobe each season. At the beginning of the season, turn your hangers around. At the end of the season you’ll have an obvious visual of what you don’t wear.

18. Unsubscribe from magazines or emails you don’t read, or switch to an electronic subscription.

17. Clean out the freezer of items that are freezer burnt or outdated.

16. Replace your sponges or wash them in the dishwasher.

15. Clean and cut veggies before you put them away, then they are ready to go at meal time.

14. Take 10 minutes to yourself. Renewing yourself motivates you to get more accomplished.

13. Sweep out garage

12. Clean/wash your comforters

11. Create color codes for kids – Designate color(s) for each child and code drawers, calendars, baskets, towel hooks, storage bins, etc. Teach them young and they will learn.

10. Wash windows

9. Get a pedicure 🙂 It’s necessary to take care of yourself, too!

8. Sort and get rid of shoes you didn’t wear this season and move sandals and flats to the front.

7. Wipe down walls in your house. Norwex enviro cloth is perfect for this task or a damp cloth.

6. Clean stove. Remove burners and scrub drip pans.

5. Clean inside of trash cans

4. Get rid of expired food in your pantry and fridge

3. Check gutters to be sure they are clear of debris and attached completely.

2. Deep clean your floors taking extra notice of the corners and grout

1. Just get started. Done is better than perfect.

You’re ready for spring and can better enjoy and appreciate your home now that it’s had some extra attention!


Posted March 23, 2015




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