Is being disorganized costing you money & time?

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Organization, or disorganization, doesn’t seem pressing until you realize your lack of order could be wasting your precious time and depleting your hard earned money. We all want more time in our days and more money in our wallets. Answer the following questions to see if your current state of mind and order is pressing into your pocket book.

Do you buy duplicates of household items because you can’t find the item or forgot that you already had purchased extra?

Do you have late fees on bills because you lost them and they sent you a second notice?

Do you spend time looking for basic items such as car keys, check book, glasses, shoes, etc?

Are your important legal documents such as birth certificates, Will, or passport, hard to access in a matter of minutes?

Have you ever damaged important paperwork because a beverage spilled or it was stuck at the bottom of a pile?

Have you ruined furniture because you weren’t using it for the intended purpose?

Do your children loose their homework?

Are your children consistently late to school?

Do you pay your bills late?

Do you buy items in bulk even though you don’t have the space to store it?

Can your marriage become stressed because you can’t find the documents your husband requests?

Has a child’s project or artwork been damaged because it wasn’t stored properly?

Do you have important documents and memories in miscellaneous locations?

Do you eat out often because you don’t have time to cook?

Do you pass up exercising because you need to get “caught up” at home, and often remain behind?

Have you uncovered misplaced checks/deposits that should have previously been delt with?

Do you double book yourself or your kids?

Do you avoid going into a certain room of the house because it overwhelms you?

Do you decline having people into your home because it’s not nice enough?

Do you miss scheduled appointments?

Do you frequently run out to the grocery store for just one item?

Do you feel like you’re often just trying to keep up?

Do you waste groceries because they spoil before you can use them?

Do you feel a sense of overwhelm when you pull into your garage and see piles of stuff [or maybe you can’t fit your car in the garage!]?

Do you wake up overwhelmed?

If you answered mostly ‘no,’ congratulations on utilizing your time and money with wisdom and forethought! Possibly challenge yourself in a few areas where you feel less confident.

If you found yourself answering ‘yes,’ more than ‘no’…you need to sit and evaluate. Assess your priorities, resources, schedule, and state of mind. Are you fulfilled in your life or are you trying to survive?

Time is money. Money is time. And survival mode is costing you your precious resources.

At first it may not seem like that much waste, but once you start to calculate the small things it becomes clear that it’s a pattern. Time and money go hand in hand. If you make the time, you can save money in the long run. Such as scheduling time to eat a meal at home, pre-planning your grocery list, grouping errands so you don’t waste gas, taking care of the furniture in your home, creating a memory bin for kids items, creating a pattern for addressing paperwork, and being sure you set aside time to pay the bills [on time!].

If this was a wake up call for you, there is hope! Don’t be discouraged. Please feel free to read my other blog posts or access my free resources. You can do it. Small steps are still steps forward.

Do you want more time?  Email Michelle Kuiken, Organizer + Coach to schedule a free strategy session.

Together we will work to make your days flow smoother so you can be free to do more life!