The Trick to Having Less Hectic Days

When you are balancing work, home, meals, kids, volunteer work, and a million other things — margin is your secret tool and super power! Margin takes discipline and forethought, and it will be one small thing you can change in how you plan your day that will make a tremendous difference. Starting today.
Are you Busy or Productive?

I don’t want to be busy for the sake of being busy. Do you? Sometimes, we make ourselves busy in order to avoid dealing with the crummy tasks and situations. And sometimes we stay busy to give the illusion that we are important or accomplishing tasks. And most often, we are busy — thinking we are doing what’s on the list, but we never make forward progress.
3 Simple Tricks to Tackle Spring To-Do List

Spring is here and you’re itching to start purging the house and say good-bye to the winter blues. I’m right there with you! But spring is also a season where graduations and end of school year activities start to pop up. Which means more things on our calendar and less time to get it all done. So we need to get a jump on figuring out how it is all going to get accomplished.
The 3 Types of Paper in Your House

All the paper in your household fits into three categories. That’s it. Three categories and all those piles will be organized and have function. You’re thinking, how could it be that easy? That’s just it. We make productivity and organization way too complicated.
What do you want to be different in the New Year?

Understandably so, setting a goal to lose 200 pounds would feel impossible. But 5 pounds at a time is manageable and realistic. And that’s my challenge to you for 2021. Not to lose weight, but to be realistic in your productivity goals. Don’t shoot for the moon on January 1, but start building the launch deck to get there.
Simple way to get more done today

Are you busy all day and yet never get anything accomplished? You can feel incredibly discouraged when you get nothing done in a day. You are not alone in this frustration!
Organizing Amongst Social Distancing
Like most businesses in the past 3 months, it’s been incredibly challenging to not be doing “business as usual.” And digesting the fact that going forward things will forever look different in how we operate face-to-face. In the organizing and productivity industry, we are getting creative to be sure we still keep families operating on […]
Slaying the Myths you Believe about Time
There are myths we all believe about productivity and time. Myths we buy into without even realizing it. If I work harder, I’ll get there. If I sleep less, I’ll get more done. I’m just not wired that way. It’s not my responsibility. These perspectives and stories can be a road block without us realizing […]
How Setting Boundaries made me more Productive

Until two months ago I wouldn’t have used the word boundary and productivity in the same sentence. I knew I was weak at setting boundaries in my life, but I didn’t think it was really getting in the way of how I operate on a day-to-day basis. But recently, I’ve uncovered new awareness.
How your Perspective is Preventing you from Staying Organized
Not many would put organization and perspective on a two-armed scale and think they would balance each other out. Are they even related? After two years of taking coaching courses, I now preach firmly that you can’t have successful organization without a thorough look at your perspectives. When I first started my business 5 years […]
The Most Important Step to Get and Stay Organized
You decide it’s time to get organized. What do you do first? Pull everything out of the closet? No. Go buy new containers? No. Move items from one room to another? No. The first step to getting organized is creating self-awareness. This is the most essential step to getting organized and most people skip it […]
Quick Ways to Improve Organization in Your Kitchen
You’re prepping for the holiday season and the disorder of your kitchen is coming to the surface. You’re sick of having to take six things out of the cupboard to reach a bowl from the back and the holiday deadline is motivating you to get organized. You crave some organization in your kitchen. For six […]