

I’m Michelle

I provide a holistic approach to productivity and organization challenges women face in trying to balance work and household.
Let’s connect!

Get Organized: Where to Start

Getting started is the hardest part. Getting started organizing is similar to the start of a new diet or workout routine. It takes intentional effort, thought, and maintenance to see results. Honestly, just like exercising, it can feel easier not to start, but everyday you don’t take action, is another day you feel crummy about […]

Organize with your Kids in Mind

Mothers can easily get frustrated with their kids in the house. They can especially feel defeated when they’ve worked hard to organize or purge an area and the kids appear to have no respect for the effort, and destroy the order in a matter of days [or minutes!].

How to Decide what to Keep

Gifts, keepsakes, mementos, kids trophies, travel souvenirs, memories from late loved ones, and those concert tickets from your first date. How do I decide what to keep? When I tell people what I do, one of the first questions I get asked is, “how do you make people to get rid of things?” And when […]

How to Stay Motivated

Kimberly made a resolution to become more organized and be more conscious of how she spent her time. She was so motivated to be organized! She energetically de-clutter her closets and cupboards of things she no longer needed nor wanted. She loved the freeing feeling that came from walking into her house and knowing where […]

Tips to get organized in the new year

Get More Organized in 2018 is the resolution that thousands [maybe millions] are making this week. Are you one of them? Do you desire to be more organized this year? There are many organizing tips that are offered at the beginning of a New Year, but The Proper Place is offering these essential simple tips […]

Do you feel you should be capable of doing it?

There’s a time in most of our lives when we wrestle with the frustration of why we can’t seem to maintain the organization in our homes. Why can’t I just get a handle on organization in my home?!? Things can spiral beyond what we feel is organized and sometimes we can’t stop the spinning. “I’m an intelligent […]

Four fool proof ways to organizing your home office

Did you know that your desk is the battle ground for paper? One day you walk in and realize the villain has declared victory…your desk is overflowing! But no more! Take control back of your territory and love your office again. Here are four simple, fool proof steps, to over take the villain and regain order and a […]

What to do with user manuals

Last week, I purchased insoles for my husband’s work boots and in the box were three pamphlets of details and instructions. They are just insoles, how many warnings or different ways could there be to use these things? As a gift, we received a Bose Speaker and the instructions were in 21 different languages. Holy […]

How many clothes are too many?

Clothes say a lot about us without even realizing it. Do you hoard clothes with an odd fear of parting with that shirt you’ve had for years? For me, clothes are a necessary evil. They can be an expression of my personality or a discouraging factor of my morning when it seems like I have nothing to wear. […]

Quick Ways to Improve Organization in Your Kitchen

You’re prepping for the holiday season and the disorder of your kitchen is coming to the surface. You’re sick of having to take six things out of the cupboard to reach a bowl from the back and the holiday deadline is motivating you to get organized. You crave some organization in your kitchen. For six […]

When and How to save Receipts

If you have a love hate relationship with receipts, this one’s for you. I personally hate receipts with a passion. They seem so unnecessary. Why do I need record that I bought a cup of coffee? And 99% of the time, I don’t. But 1% of the time when I do need it, such as […]

How to feel organized enough for your lifestyle

Organization is a state of mind. It’s based on your perspective about what order looks like and feels like, to you. I always tell my clients, your goal is to be “organized enough.” Now, for some people [Client A] they want to be extremely organized, sub-categorized and labeled to the pristine level of looking like a […]