
Are You Giving Your Time Away?

I am an Enneagram Two, and I help because I truly love to help. A “healthy” two can ask for help and offer help out of a place of gratitude with healthy boundaries. When I’m “unhealthy,” I help because I have guilt and selfish ambition. I work with women who are exhausted because of the mental and physical battle — feeling like they “have to” do things and their time isn’t their own. And it’s wearing them down to the point of tears.

How Your Values Affect Your Productivity

When you are clear on your values, you are more productive on a day-to-day basis, have less overwhelm and more direction. When I started diving deeper into how to have more productive and meaningful days — I learned that productivity and values are directly related. Learn how your values help lead the way!

Are you just being lazy?

Are you lazy or is something else in your way? Women give me millions of reasons for not being motivated to organize, sort papers, conquer a project, self-improve. It can be paralyzing to face the piles and consider new ways of doing things. Identify if you’re just being lazy or not.

Become More Efficient by Delegating

Do you think you need to do everything yourself otherwise it won’t get done right? Or fall victim to the idea that there’s no one willing to help? Become more efficient by knowing how to delegate.

5 Ways to Check Items Of Your List this Year

Are you one of the millions who have invested in a planner hoping it will make you more productive this year? Here’s the secret — it’s not the list that makes you more productive, it’s the way the tasks are executed. Here are five keys ways to get more checked off your to-do list this year.

The Trick to Having Less Hectic Days

When you are balancing work, home, meals, kids, volunteer work, and a million other things — margin is your secret tool and super power! Margin takes discipline and forethought, and it will be one small thing you can change in how you plan your day that will make a tremendous difference. Starting today.

Storing your Memories and Keepsakes

If you need support on what to save and how to store your keepsakes and memories, I’ve put together a free cheat sheet to help you get a jump start.

The 3 Types of Paper in Your House

All the paper in your household fits into three categories. That’s it. Three categories and all those piles will be organized and have function. You’re thinking, how could it be that easy? That’s just it. We make productivity and organization way too complicated.

What do you want to be different in the New Year?

Understandably so, setting a goal to lose 200 pounds would feel impossible. But 5 pounds at a time is manageable and realistic. And that’s my challenge to you for 2021. Not to lose weight, but to be realistic in your productivity goals. Don’t shoot for the moon on January 1, but start building the launch deck to get there.

Best Holiday Tips for a Stress-Free Season

We know it’s coming — or is already happening — so let’s be intentional to make space in your home and schedule. These ways will reduce your stressful moments and add to the magic of the season!

Simple way to get more done today

Are you busy all day and yet never get anything accomplished?  You can feel incredibly discouraged when you get nothing done in a day. You are not alone in this frustration!

Are you a Productive Procrastinator?

If you just had a clear desk then you’d be able to get more done….2 hours later you’re dusting cords under the desk and not getting anything on your list done. It seemed like good intentions, but it wasted your precious time while the kids were at school.