From one Farm Wife to Another

Farm wives! We are a select group of women chosen to serve in a unique way. We live and breathe the farm that has become not a source of income, but a lifestyle. We manage issues the traditional wife doesn’t encounter.

Where do I put everything

Part of the struggle of getting organized is knowing where to put things. You start sorting through a closet and come across a box of miscellaneous memories and you get stuck because “where do I put something like this?” Here are a few simple but important questions to ask yourself to help determine where things […]

How to Feed Hungry Farmers in the Field

I am the wife of a hard working farmer and in the spring and fall our workforce can swell up to 10-15 men. On the days they work into the evenings, we bring prepared supper to the field so they can eat and then keep on plowing those fields. Side note, ten years ago had […]

For those who have no garden weeds

Weeds. The annoying green foliage that grows throughout your beautiful flowers and tomato plants. The foliage that we prepare to stifle even before it has the chance to germinate. The foliage that isn’t wanted, yet somehow still appears. I’ve spent hours this summer pulling weeds, and they seem to multiply faster than I can pull. […]

How to Make a Good To-Do List

I’m queen of adding things I’ve already done to my lists so that I can cross it off. Anyone else? Though that makes me feel like I’ve accomplished more, I actually haven’t. I can have four different to-do lists and even if I’m crossing things off (or maybe not), I’m still not being as productive […]

Purging Annual Paperwork – Mission 2

Paper never stops coming into the house. And maintaining the paperwork is a task that never seems to end! But you can start the year off with a clean slate with the mindset of “out with the old and in with the new.” Mission #2, if you choose to accept it, is purging paperwork into […]

How to Stop Creating so much Clutter

What is clutter anyway? It seems to be such a buzz-word these days. Most people would probably describe it as the junk we have laying around, the piles of paper on the counters, the knick-knacks we collect, a messy desk, etc. I was only able to wrap my mind around the concept of clutter once […]