Free Webinar for Farm Wives who want more Organization
The Proper Place is offering a free productivity webinar for women married to men in agriculture. The webinar will offer key ways to run a productive and balanced farming households. According to the USDA, 96% of all farms in America are family run. Each of those farms have women who are working hard to prioritize […]
Organizing Amongst Social Distancing
Like most businesses in the past 3 months, it’s been incredibly challenging to not be doing “business as usual.” And digesting the fact that going forward things will forever look different in how we operate face-to-face. In the organizing and productivity industry, we are getting creative to be sure we still keep families operating on […]
How to stay sane with kids at home during social distancing
Organizer gives times on how to stay sane now that your kids are at home all day.
Join the National Initiative to Get Organized
The Proper Place is celebrating GO Month2020 with the national association, NAPO, to help people maintain resolutions and minimize clutter across Siouxland. The phrase ‘Get Organized’ is in the top ten most Googled phrases at the start of the year. By the end of January many people will have given up on their resolution for […]
Things aren’t as they seem in 2020
The words “get organized” continue to be in the top most googled words at the start of the new year. We have an ingrained desire to be organized, have order, make the most of what we have. The new year challenges us to reset and reach for the things that feel unattainable at other times […]
Holiday Mistakes that Waste your Time
I love the hustle of the holiday season. Though, this time of year the days seem to feel shorter, faster, and busier. We still only have 24 hours a day to get done what we need to, and with extra expectations on the calendar, we need to be especially aware of how we spend our […]
The New Workbook, Organizing with Intention
My inspiration behind writing the workbook, Organizing with Intention. Years ago I had a vision of helping women love their lives. Love themselves. I looked around and saw women who were offering so much of themselves to their families and communities, yet they never had anything left for themselves. Usually, the “extra” energy went back […]
Slaying the Myths you Believe about Time
There are myths we all believe about productivity and time. Myths we buy into without even realizing it. If I work harder, I’ll get there. If I sleep less, I’ll get more done. I’m just not wired that way. It’s not my responsibility. These perspectives and stories can be a road block without us realizing […]
How Setting Boundaries made me more Productive
Until two months ago I wouldn’t have used the word boundary and productivity in the same sentence. I knew I was weak at setting boundaries in my life, but I didn’t think it was really getting in the way of how I operate on a day-to-day basis. But recently, I’ve uncovered new awareness.
Checking your Email is Derailing your Day
When I wake up in the morning I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and check my email. Is this your pattern? Maybe you don’t check your email that quickly, but it is probably one of the first task related items you do. It can be extremely hard to resist checking in with email […]
Celebrating Five Years of Organizing
The Proper Place began five years ago as a professional organizing business to help women restore order and de-clutter their busy lives. It has transformed beyond this initial concept into a service that educates regionally, partners with families, coaches around productivity, and organizes with true compassion.
How your Perspective is Preventing you from Staying Organized
Not many would put organization and perspective on a two-armed scale and think they would balance each other out. Are they even related? After two years of taking coaching courses, I now preach firmly that you can’t have successful organization without a thorough look at your perspectives. When I first started my business 5 years […]