

I’m Michelle

I provide a holistic approach to productivity and organization challenges women face in trying to balance work and household.
Let’s connect!

I’m Burned Out

In work and life everything revolves around me doing it all. I started my own business to have flexibility and freedom, now I’m burnt out and dropping the ball. I don’t have time to stop and make changes so I just keep going, but I’m losing myself in the meantime. Help!

Should is a 4-Letter Word

Every time I hear someone say, “I should” my shoulders cringe up. Words we use matter. We are all made differently. We have different habits and routines. What works for me, doesn’t work for you. Should implies obligation or duty and doesn’t give you action or power to improve your ways.

Because that’s how my mom did it.

Just because your mom did it that way, doesn’t mean it’s the best way for you. Our habits are often formed based on how we were raised. We are either embracing the habits, intentionally trying to do things differently, or lost (and frustrated) in the shuffle. Which are you?

A Simple Cycle To Change Your Behavior

Use this simple cycle to change the behavior that’s been holding you back. A better morning routine, less distraction, more income producing work, squeezing in that workout or time to read. From big to small behaviors, we all have aspects of our work and life to improve.

Are You Giving Your Time Away?

I am an Enneagram Two, and I help because I truly love to help. A “healthy” two can ask for help and offer help out of a place of gratitude with healthy boundaries. When I’m “unhealthy,” I help because I have guilt and selfish ambition. I work with women who are exhausted because of the mental and physical battle — feeling like they “have to” do things and their time isn’t their own. And it’s wearing them down to the point of tears.

Are you just being lazy?

Are you lazy or is something else in your way? Women give me millions of reasons for not being motivated to organize, sort papers, conquer a project, self-improve. It can be paralyzing to face the piles and consider new ways of doing things. Identify if you’re just being lazy or not.

Importance of creating a team even when you work alone

I love working for myself, but I miss having a team to source ideas and energy, and share the workload. There are so many benefits to working for yourself, but you are missing the one thing that offers you success: a built-in support system. A team of support can keep your productivity up and your mental stability on par. By not having a team of support you may be leaving precious resources and benefits on the table!

Things aren’t as they seem in 2020

The words “get organized” continue to be in the top most googled words at the start of the new year. We have an ingrained desire to be organized, have order, make the most of what we have. The new year challenges us to reset and reach for the things that feel unattainable at other times […]

How your Perspective is Preventing you from Staying Organized

Not many would put organization and perspective on a two-armed scale and think they would balance each other out. Are they even related? After two years of taking coaching courses, I now preach firmly that you can’t have successful organization without a thorough look at your perspectives. When I first started my business 5 years […]

Push Past Winter Blues

Winter has been extra cold and extra white in this neck of the woods. When the thermometer dips so can our motivation. I know I’m not alone when I say I need an extra boost of energy to stay motivated and push past the winter blues. The condition commonly called, “winter blues,” manifests with feelings […]

Where do I start?

I need a fresh start. Where do I begin? It’s true. We know we need to start fresh, but the concept of starting paralyzes us so much that we never begin. Getting started is often times the hardest part. Did you know that people with perfectionist personalities often have the hardest time getting started? You […]

How Coaching Benefits You

In the sports world, the coach is the athlete’s biggest fan. They are showing up for practice alongside you, guiding you, and not letting you give up on yourself. They help you see how much skill you have and are focused on your personal growth. You can’t win the game if only the coach shows up. It’s about supporting you so you can proudly put on your uniform and go in for the win. Sports coaches are a lot like personal growth coaches. I’m an Organizer Coach and I want you to win at life.